Sunday, May 6, 2018

Creating a QT C++ OpenGL project in Linux

I respect guys, who can configure Vim/Emacs or Sublime to complete IDE, using a ton of plugins, but I just want to download and work. I had enough virtual sex, configuring proprietary Nvidia drivers and Touchpad gestures in Linux (it is worthy of separate post).

I chose QtCreator.
sudo apt install qtcreator

New Project -> Non-Qt Project -> Plain C++ Application
Choose project location, and name it (for example opengl-qt)

Define build system - I chose CMake, I want to make platform-independent project, also I don`t know pros and cons of qmake.

Kit Selection I was surprised, that there are no kits in my laptop, and I don't even imagine, why we can't continue without this kit. But we can heal it:

sudo apt-get install qt5-default
(Thanks to the link)

Holy cow! It creates a project, moreover it can easily compile and run by pressing Ctrl + R !

Let's do the same OpenGL program, we created by native g++ compiler and text editor:
  1. Copy and paste our code to main.cpp
  2. CMake. I used it before, to make project from sources, for example CMake made GLFW and GLM projects for theirs further compiling in Visual Studio in Windows.
    Now I started manually configure CMake file by myself. I had hated it for an hour until I understood, how to link libraries. Ask me how?


project(opengl-qt) #change to your project name
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
#for -std=c++14 
aux_source_directory(. SRC_LIST)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SRC_LIST})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} GLEW GL glfw)

Look at the last line! That`s the way to link libraries.

AAAAA!! Happiness!

Now we can create classes and make our weird stuff more weird. I will create my program, based on using classes and other C++ stuff.

1. If you have done the same stuff, but it does not work - ask me, maybe I`ll be able to help.
2. Feel free to improve my mistakes and explain something if my dumbness make you cry.

Thank you for watching!

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